Golfing World Video of 3rd Annual Pro-Am [DFW Autism Charity]

We wanted to share Golfing World‘s video coverage of our 3rd annual Maximum Chances Pro-Am golf tournament this past year.  We are very grateful for their help highlighting what we do here at Maximum Chances, and it was great to have the support of our fellow golfers!  We look forward to our golf tournament each year and love seeing how many people come together to support us.  To learn more about how you can get involved with our big day give us a shout.






Going to College with Autism [Colleyville Texas Autism Charity]

Last year at Max’s 7th grade ARD meeting, (meeting where educators and parents discuss and strategically plan the education plan for the child with special needs) they asked him what he would like to do when he left high school.  He replied “well NFL, obviously.”  The special education lady looked doubtful and asked what his back up plans were should he NOT become an NFL player and he said “fine, I’ll just be an engineer.”  I found this exchange amusing and intriguing.  His back up plan was that he would like to study engineering and we’re already trying to prepare him to think about becoming part of the workforce.  At the time I thought it seemed very early to do but now I realize it’s amazingly forward thinking because trying to prepare kids on the autism spectrum for college involves a lot more than their neurotypical peers.

Check out this fantastic article we found, which is written from the perspective of 21 year old Vassar junior Zoe Gross.  She describes the transition to college is so much more complex for people with autism, the LEAST of it being, in her opinion, the social issues.  She explains that managing the independent aspects of life at college like living in a dorm/apartment, scheduling homework and assignments, making sure she eats properly, showers regularly are FAR more critical than even thinking about making friends.

People with autism often have impaired executive functioning which affects their daily life in a way their peers haven’t thought about it years.  One girl describes how she was hit by a car TWICE in college.  On one of the days she describes being completely overwhelmed with her emotions after getting into an argument, along with the noise and the crowds and she experienced tunnel vision and didn’t even see the car coming until it hit her.  This one particularly scares me as I see this happening with Max.  Just this morning I dropped him at school, not in the drop off lane for a change and watched as he crossed the road IN FRONT of a car that he simply hadn’t noticed!  I find we constantly have to go over  safety issues with him that most 10 year olds have mastered. Then I’m supposed to just send him off to college or let him get a drivers license??????  I can’t even imagine!!!

Apparently over the next 5 years, an estimated 200,000 teenagers on the autism spectrum will be aging out of the services they currently receive in the public school system.  Many of them could be seemingly high functioning but have invisible disabilities that will become highlighted when they go off to college on their own without a parent or caregiver looking out for them.  How will the college system and the newly created adults themselves cope with this huge number of people who need more consideration when trying to immerse them into their next stage of life? I have no answers at all yet sadly. It’s something I will have to think about over the next few years and try to be proactive in the mean time.

Enjoy the article and feel free to send any of your own experiences for us to learn from!


Navigating the Teen Years With Autism [Colleyville Texas Autism Charity]

So Max will be 14 in a few months. The teenage angst has set in and he’s becoming even MORE black and white in his opinions if that’s possible.

I definitely didn’t think ahead to what puberty would look like in a high functioning child with autism. Max is my oldest so I had no frame of reference on what a typical child looks like in their teenage years. Aspergers paired with puberty looks REALLY REALLY inflexible. He has become an authority on many many things. He played football for the first time this year at school. All his spare time is now spent watching videos of past plays, researching stats of football stars and repeating them to everyone. He is pretty sure he will go on to become a professional NFL player.  You have to admire that kind of confidence.

He has struggled to complete chores such as bed making, loading the dishwasher and making sure lights are turned off. A few months ago I had called upstairs to him to ask him to make his bed. When I went to his room 20 minutes later he was sitting next to his unmade bed. When I asked why he hadn’t completed his task he said he made a judgement call that he would be getting back into it in just a few hours and there didn’t seem to be any point. He was not joking. He said that the problem with doing chores is that he doesn’t get any direct benefit from it. Most teens at this age might think that but would know better than to say it out loud. Some of this seems really funny when he says it But the reality is, he doesn’t understand emotion or the concept of doing things for others. There is no big picture in his view.

The flip side is that he never gets his feelings hurt when he is not invited parties. He never feels left out or worries about peer pressure. That in itself is such a gift. His anxiety has definitely increased however over the last year and a half, most of it comes from not if or when he has some free time and increasing demands with school work. That can stress him A LOT!

That said Greg and I realize how amazing Max’s progress is. You really never know when your non verbal child is diagnosed with autism what they will be able to do. Will they go to regular school, be mainstreamed with other kids,have a job, live at home with you forever? And remember for lots of kids on the spectrum, that reality may never come for their familiars and their lives a so difficult on a daily basis. I remind myself every day we are extremely lucky we are that Max has responded so well to the things we have done with him. There are thousands of parents out there who have done just as many therapies and treatments as we have, if not more and for whatever reason their kids have not responded to them. It can be such a frustrating journey in that regard!
If you have any stories of your autism journey and navigating the teenage years, we would love to hear them!

Happy Friday
Nicole and Greg Chalmers


Learning to Count Using Touch Points [Colleyville Texas Autism Charity]

With Christmas just a few days away we thought we’d spread a little cheer & joy with you all!

We wanted to share with you another sweet boy who is part of our Maximum Chances family, Joaquin. Joaquin is 5 years old, an only son, and he is autistic. Joaquin started at Journey Learning Center in December. At that time he was non verbal. He used to get very frustrated and harm himself. He used to spit a lot, didn’t know how to play with other kids or even with toys. He didn’t know his colors, letters, how to ride a bike, how to follow directions, and he didn’t like to color among other things. Today, after a year at Journey, Joaquin is starting to talk, color and count!

Here is a little clip of Joaquin working on counting (and writing the numbers!) using touch points.  You can even see him drawing a little sketch, and if you listen closely his good buddy Brooks (who graduated from the program) cheers him on for a job well done!

His mom shared his successes with us! She said, “It’s something that I did not know it could be possible for him, but he is learning how to talk, we have sounds! We know that he can read! He is playing with the kids, with toys, he learned how to ride a bike, how to color, and how to follow directions. He has improved so much in these nine months, he amazes me every day. Everybody at Journey is amazing, and what I like the most, and the reason why it works it’s because they all have the same goals for the children and work together to help them. I could not have done this without Maximum Chances since I did not have the resources to provide for my son on my own. I really don’t know how can I ever thank Maximum Chances for all what they do for us and other families. To see my son being so proud of himself and happy, it is priceless! Thank you so much Maximum Chances ! You have been a blessing to so many families.”


The Mills Family [North Texas Giving Day 2016]

With the North Texas Giving Day coming up this September 22nd, we wanted to share with you an example of how much of an impact your donations have on the lives of others.  All of our donations go directly to helping get care to these children in need, and in a lot of cases the families themselves have overcome great challenges before finding us!  One of these instances is the Mills family.  Their story is quite remarkable and we are overjoyed to be able to help their sweet son Shane, especially after all his father, Sonny, has done for our country!   Shane has autism and has been unable to speak his whole life.  His sister is also deaf, and his father, Sonny, is a retired Marine and a disabled veteran.  The dad, Sonny, was wounded severely in Fallujah, Iraq by an RPG and forced to retire because of the severity of his injuries  As a retired Marine and disabled veteran, the family relies on Tricare for coverage of medical services.  Because Sonny is retiree, Shane’s ABA therapy care is not covered by Tricare.  As a result, the family faces out of pocket costs of nearly $5,000 a month!  They sold their home to pay for the medically recommended ABA treatments for Shane.


We are trying to increase their exposure to different types of therapy.  So far, we at Maximum Chances have been able to provide funding for bio medical treatments at The Kotsanis institute for Shane and  just approved them for an auditory training program which he will greatly benefit from!   These training treatments are to improve his communication skills at home and at school.  He still doesn’t talk just yet, but has been increasing his signs.  Shane has also been more engaged at school and is starting to do more things for himself.  Shane’s father, Sonny, feels that the diet and supplements introduced have been helping too, which is great!

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We are doing all we can to help contribute to getting Shane the treatment he needs to thrive.  We go through an astounding amount of applications to help families just like the Mills’ and do our very best to get them the help they truly deserve!  No amount of help is too small and we, and families like the Mills’ are forever grateful for everyone who helps them.


Here is a little excerpt from their biography Sonny has shared with us.

Lance Corporal Hardy Mills was born in Azle, TX and raised in Millsap, TX.  He grew up playing football and hunting with his dad.  His father was also marine and was the inspiration to Hardy joining the Marines.  In December of 2002, he joined the U.S. Marines, and deployed to Iraq with the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force in January 2004.  On June 29th of that year, in the city of Fallujah after Operation Vigilant Resolve, one of the bloodiest engagements of the war, he was on top of a gun truck when he and a fellow Marine were struck by a mortar. He was knocked unconscious and woke up with a hole in his back, and covered with blood.  For several days after the attack, he was unable to hear due to the explosion.  His injuries included a lacerated spleen, broken scapula, severed leg artery, both lungs collapsed, infections, and severe burns among others.  The doctors said that he would probably not live through the night due to a tremendous loss of blood.  After being evacuated to Germany he went through three surgeries and then to Bethesda, Maryland where he went through more surgeries, including multiple skin grafts.  It was there that he was told that he would never walk again, but he proved them wrong.
His numerous awards include the Purple Heart, a Combat Action Ribbon, the Navy Unit Citation, and and a letter
of appreciation coming from President Bush.  Lance Corporal Mills has retired from the Marine Corps in late 2006 and now lives with his wife Danielle and children Shane and Madelyn in FT Worth, TX.  After retirement they found out Shane has autism and is unable to speak.  Madelyn was born deaf as well.   In 2011 their insurance was not picking up the autism treatment they then had to sell their home to pay for his therapy.  In 2013 Autism Speaks heard about the family’s struggles and what Hardy had done for his country they decided to step in and do a documentary on the Mills family. The film was called Sounding the Alarm after going to the Tribeca Film Festival and meeting Robert Deniro the popularity grew and later became a hit on Netflix.  Danielle his wife is very involved in Shane’s and Madelyn’s treatments and is an amazing wife and mother. They both involved with Shane’s cub scouts and attending gymnastics practices with their daughter Madelyn. They look forward to settling down and start living a normal life.

 By contributing to Maximum Chances you are helping all of the families in our program, like the Mills Family, and enabling us to add even more deserving families to the list!  Here is the link to our North Texas Giving Day page, where on September 22nd ONLY, you will be able to donate to this link, giving us the opportunity to get bonus funds from NTXGD organization!


If you’d like to help today, you may also donate directly to us via this link – Maximum Chances Donation Page


First Day of Kindergarten [DFW Autism Charity]

MAXimum Chances would love to share a story of an amazing little boy and his incredible milestone!  Today our first Maximum Chances child at the Journey Learning center is headed off to school.  Gorgeous Brooks is starting kindergarten!  Now obviously that’s a milestone many children will begin today, but for Brooks, and many children on the spectrum, this is a big step.  He was largely non-verbal until just a year ago!  Diagnosed with autism around the age of 2, Brooks has worked incredibly hard to get where he is today.  He has been at the wonderful Journey Learning Center for more than 18 months, attending 5 days a week and nearly 8 hours a day.  He has learned to count, say and write his name, set the lunch table and interact with his little friends as well as the teachers.   Imagine learning 5 years of life skills in such a condensed period of time like that!

Sending a child on the autism spectrum off to school where they will largely be integrated with a mainstreamed classroom is such a dream for many parents.  Brooks is an amazing warrior and the incredible staff at Journey have worked so hard with him.  No doubt this is incredibly rewarding for them to see him be so successful.

We stopped by the Journey Learning Center on his last day to congratulate him and take some pictures of him having fun with friends.  He is such a joy to be around, and that smile is quite infectious.  Congrats to Brooks and his family, we are so happy to be sharing in this wonderful day with you!

For more information on the Journey Learning Center, visit their site,

Learning Center for Autism

Above is Brooks with all of his friends eating lunch!  And below is one of his favorite activities, riding his bike, and playing on the playground.

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One of the activities he worked on was journaling about his day.  Here he is copying the sentence “I cut a hat,” talking about how he made a graduation hat earlier in the day.  Look at that gorgeous handwriting!

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Goofing around making everyone smile. 🙂

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We couldn’t be prouder of you Brooks!  We can’t wait to see where life takes you!

Learning Center for Autism


Back to School [Tips for a Successful School Year with Autism]

The countdown to school in Texas is on! In another week, the sleep ins are over and the schedules are back. For lots of parents, particularly those who have a child with autism, the return of a scheduled day is welcome. However the transition of actually returning to school can be challenging and anxious for the children AND their parents.

Back to School Autism
I know that when Max starts school each year, I am always a little nervous about what the year might bring. Last year when he started middle school was EXTREMELY stressful….from my end! 

Back to School Photography

If your school is open to it, your child might benefit from a visit to the school BEFORE it is over run with children coming for meet the teacher. They might be able to meet THEIR teacher (or teachers) in a more quiet setting so it’s not such a sensory overload. Communiaction with teachers will be very important. Kids with autism in a public school will have an IEP and so all teachers should be fully informed BEFORE your child arrives but many teachers appreciate any tips parents might have to help make the transition to a new school year easier. Writing your own social story about the school day with your child can be a great way to prepare them for how each day should look.

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Try and start the school routine before the weekend before school if possible. Sleep is key and adjusting bedtimes and starting morning routines as early as possible may help their adjustment to the school year.

If you have concerns about your childs social interactions with their peers it might be really helpful to reach out to other kids for playdates BEFORE school starts if it is an option. Many schools also have great social skills groups they incorporate with other typical children during class time which is helpful as the school year continues.

For non-verbal children, lots of visual support is essential. Social stories are really helpful here along with pictures. If you can map out the day with photos (example, waiting for the bus, getting on the bus, walking to their classroom, finding their chair, sitting in the cafeteria opening their lunch box) hopefully that will make the transition back to school a little smoother.

Obviously as parents and caregivers we are all usually anxious about a new school year, try to stay positive in front of your kids so they don’t see your stress. It’s enough that they try to manage their own! Hopefully many of us have a great support network but if you don’t PLEASE reach out to us here, we would love to help!

Here’s to a great school year!

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