MAX ability to focus, high-functioning autism, adults with autismEven though our son Max is still young, I am often so amazed at his intense ability to focus and his attention to the finest of details.

He amazes me constantly with his ability to take information that he has read once and repeat it back word for word. It is often complex information like genetics, histories of past wars, or inventions from years ago! He LOVES to study something he finds interesting, research it within an inch of its life and then…move on to another subject. He can even refer back to different subjects he researched years ago!! I have no doubt that this skill will be such an asset to him in later life!

As these types of gifts are developed and honed, it would seem he would be a perfect candidate for places where those types of skills were in high demand, such as quality assurance and software testing. However, the social structure of many employment environments cause such great frustration for those on the autism spectrum, that only about 15% of adults with autism remain successfully employed.

As awareness about autism is raised, so are the expectations about what a person with autism can accomplish. More and more individuals and employers alike are realizing the incredible strength and vocational asset that those with these special abilities can provide. Aspiritech ( is one of those organizations who have recognized the specific skillset of those with autism and Asperger’s, and they have created an environment in which they can thrive!

Their mission states: “Aspiritech provides a path for high functioning individuals on the autism spectrum to realize their potential through meaningful employment.”

Indications of autism can be seen in early childhood, and can typically be diagnosed accurately when a child is around the age of two. It is so critical that proper treatments are started as soon as possible so that each child will have the MAXimum Chance possible for achieving a high-functioning status. This will give them a much better chance of gaining meaningful employment from forward-thinking companies like Aspiritech.

This is one of the reasons why our mission here at MAXimum Chances is so important to us. We are here to help families have every advantage for helping their child with autism experience a well-rounded, successful, and fulfilling life.

If you know of a family who has just received this diagnosis, or who cannot afford some of the treatments for their child with autism, please connect them with MAXimum Chances. We would love the opportunity to share some of our resources with them, and see if they qualify for treatment and financial assistance for one of our approved providers.

You might be the link to resources that can help a family find the support they’ve been looking for!

Join us online at and help us raise awareness about autism and the awesome asset someone with autism can be for a company that thinks outside the box and provides an environment where those with special needs can thrive.