Autism and Sleep Deprivation

autism, help with sleep deprivation and sleep issue tipsIt’s fairly well known in the Autism Community that poor sleeping patterns can be part of the package. Up to 80% of households with a child or children on the autism spectrum report problems with sleep disturbances. Some of these issues include:

  • Challenges with winding down and getting prepared for bed
  • Difficulty falling and staying asleep
  • Extreme sensitivity during sleep to noise and movements in the house
  • Waking up alert in the middle of the night
  • Poor overall sleep quality
  • Falling asleep too late
  • Waking up too early
  • Restlessness and anxiety before, during, and after sleep

There are several theories that provide some good indicators as to why those with autism experience greater sleep issues:

  1. Social queues and normal circadian rhythms (responding naturally to light and darkness within a 24-hour cycle) are many times not recognized or understood.
  2. In studies, it was shown that melatonin, a hormone which helps regulate sleep cycles, is often not on a regular cycle, causing more to be released during the day instead of at night which would promote better sleep.
  3. Increased sensitivity to outside stimuli can cause a child with autism to wake up abruptly to a parent peeking in their door to check on them, whereas most other children would not be disturbed from their sleep.
  4. Problems caused by allergies and food sensitivities are also known to disrupt normal sleep cycles.

Children with autism are reported to get up at least three times more frequently than those without autism. This can leave parents and other siblings just as sleep deprived.  Studies also show these types of patterns lead to even more stress, anxiety, and sleep-deprived nights for everyone in the household.

If your family falls into this category, there may be some very practical things you can do to improve the quality of sleep experienced by your child with autism. Documented studies show that when a child with autism develops good sleeping patterns, great improvements can be seen in behaviors related to:

  • Depression
  • Aptitude for Learning
  • Cognitive Abilities
  • Intuitive Social Skills
  • Irritability
  • Hyperactivity
  • Aggression
  • Overall Behavioral Issues

Autism Speaks ( is another great resource for parents. They have developed several printable tools to help encourage better sleep patterns for your child or teen with autism.

Here are some great tips they suggest in their information-packed tools for parents.

  • Eliminate caffeine as much as possible. Caffeine stays in the body for 3 to 5 hours, and they can show signs of being effected by caffeine for up to 12 hours.
  • Start winding down one hour before bedtime by turning off stimuli like electronics, TV, and games.
  • Create a visual bedtime schedule your child will understand using line-drawn pictures, objects, a checklist, or photographs.
  • Do stimulating activities early in the day, and relaxing activities at the end of the day.
  • Create a Bedtime Pass the child can only use once each night, and if they still have their pass in the morning, they can exchange it for a small reward.
  • Go slow – try one small change first, then incorporate other changes at a reasonable rate. Remember to be patient, as it can take two weeks or more of faithful persistence before seeing a change.

Click these documents for the full downloads by Autism Speaks: Sleep Strategy – A Parent’s Guide, Quick Tips, and Sleep Strategies for Teens.

If you have any questions about sleep disturbances with your child or children please email us at

We would also love to have you share any of your success stories. Your tips may be really helpful for another family!


An Autism Diagnosis Can Lead to a Successful and Fulfilling life

MAX ability to focus, high-functioning autism, adults with autismEven though our son Max is still young, I am often so amazed at his intense ability to focus and his attention to the finest of details.

He amazes me constantly with his ability to take information that he has read once and repeat it back word for word. It is often complex information like genetics, histories of past wars, or inventions from years ago! He LOVES to study something he finds interesting, research it within an inch of its life and then…move on to another subject. He can even refer back to different subjects he researched years ago!! I have no doubt that this skill will be such an asset to him in later life!

As these types of gifts are developed and honed, it would seem he would be a perfect candidate for places where those types of skills were in high demand, such as quality assurance and software testing. However, the social structure of many employment environments cause such great frustration for those on the autism spectrum, that only about 15% of adults with autism remain successfully employed.

As awareness about autism is raised, so are the expectations about what a person with autism can accomplish. More and more individuals and employers alike are realizing the incredible strength and vocational asset that those with these special abilities can provide. Aspiritech ( is one of those organizations who have recognized the specific skillset of those with autism and Asperger’s, and they have created an environment in which they can thrive!

Their mission states: “Aspiritech provides a path for high functioning individuals on the autism spectrum to realize their potential through meaningful employment.”

Indications of autism can be seen in early childhood, and can typically be diagnosed accurately when a child is around the age of two. It is so critical that proper treatments are started as soon as possible so that each child will have the MAXimum Chance possible for achieving a high-functioning status. This will give them a much better chance of gaining meaningful employment from forward-thinking companies like Aspiritech.

This is one of the reasons why our mission here at MAXimum Chances is so important to us. We are here to help families have every advantage for helping their child with autism experience a well-rounded, successful, and fulfilling life.

If you know of a family who has just received this diagnosis, or who cannot afford some of the treatments for their child with autism, please connect them with MAXimum Chances. We would love the opportunity to share some of our resources with them, and see if they qualify for treatment and financial assistance for one of our approved providers.

You might be the link to resources that can help a family find the support they’ve been looking for!

Join us online at and help us raise awareness about autism and the awesome asset someone with autism can be for a company that thinks outside the box and provides an environment where those with special needs can thrive.


The Unexpected Opportunity – Living with a Sibling who has Autism

Siblings with autism, autism resources, support, approved autism treatmentsWhat is a common statement heard in every household, especially those with more than one child? “That’s not fair!”

At any given time, one sibling might feel slighted that the other seemingly gets the larger slice of pizza, more time with a parent, extended play time, or gets the better list of chores. It’s the proverbial “grass being greener” bit where every parent gets to play referee.

Regardless of the age difference of siblings, most parents do work very hard to keep the playing field level.

If you find yourself raising children where one has autism and the other(s) does not, it presents a whole new level of challenges. You now have to adapt to two completely different ways of living, parenting, understanding, explaining, and even disciplining to name few… and being fair in the general sense simply has to be thrown out the window… or does it?

Learning how to manage and communicate with a variety of temperaments within the family, including those with special needs, can actually become an unexpected opportunity.  Teaching other siblings and family members the care and needs of the child with autism is a way to get everyone on the same page, including you as parents. As you work together to explain things on an age-appropriate level, it will become part of your lifestyle because it is not a “say it once and you’re done” situation. The rule of thumb for this type of dialogue is to “do it early and do it often!”

When communication lines are open, it is much easier for other siblings to understand the needs and sacrifices being made by themselves, and you as parents. Studies also show that siblings of those with autism typically respond very well to the needs that arise and they develop a compassionate heart, a sense of humor, and a general kindness for others that can greatly enhance all other aspects of their life.

Communicating the various stages of autism, treatments, and expectations to each family member is what can help someone think beyond “fair” to a more level playing field based on love, grace, and understanding. This is a far better way to connect the family and have everyone feel they can take part instead of siblings feeling like an outsider who isn’t being treated fair.

It may seem overwhelming to keep everyone informed as you think about communicating the circumstances at hand to other siblings. There are many resources to help!

For starters, here at MAXimum Chances, we have our own page on siblings called Lachlan’s Corner. One of the resources we talk about on that page is SibShops organized by the Sibling Support Project. SibShops are wonderful communities and workshops for families who are experiencing a variety of special needs, including a child with autism, where you and your children can go to interact, learn, and share with others the challenges as well as triumphs you may experience in your own family.

Sometimes having a child with autism can feel a little isolating. We would like you to know that help is readily available for whatever you are experiencing and we highly encourage you to get connected with others who can help you and your family find not only the resources you need, but also the grace, understanding, and even humor, in the daily circumstances life brings.

You can also connect with us online – at, as well as through our newsletter here on our website. We would love for you to be a part of our community!

If you would like more information on SibShops, please visit to download a document with the current locations listed by state.  Or, if you are in the Dallas / Fort Worth area, we’ve copied some of those groups below as a starting point for your own research.

Night OWLS Sibshop
Primary Contact: Karen Gilmore
Highland Park United Methodist Church
3300 Mockingbird Lane
Dallas, TX 75205 map
Phone: 214.523.2276
Sibshop Description: Night OWLS Sibshops serves the siblings of children with special needs involved in programming at HPUMC.

Cook Children’s Sibshop
Primary Contact: Veronica Kubiak
Cook Children’s Medical Center
801 Seventh Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76104 map
Phone: 817-372-2553
Sibshop Description: Cook Children’s Sibshop services to siblings of children living with a chronic illness or life-changing disability, who are/have been patients at Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth, TX

FEAT-North Texas Sibshops
Primary Contact: Gretchen Purnell
Families for Effective Autism Treatment – North Texas (FEAT-NT)
P.O. Box 92123
Southlake, TX 76092 map
Phone: 817-689-4880
Sibshop Description: Sibshop for ages 8 – 13 held on Saturdays for four weeks at the FEAT-NT Resource Center and Library. A range of disabilities expected to be represented in the children. Library books on sibling issues, autism and a range of other disabilities and related topics available for parents and children to check out.

Sibshops at Journey Learning Center
Primary Contact: Sarah Flak
Journey Learning Center
2100 W. Northwest Highway,
Suite 202
Grapevine, TX 76051 map
Phone: 2146633205
Sibshop Description: We are looking to work with Sibs ages 5-12. We will be hosting Sibshops one Saturday a month.

Frisco Sibshops
Primary Contact: Colleen Kugler
Frisco ISD
Differing schools in FISD
Frisco, TX 75034 map
Phone: 214-684-3345

HEROES Program Sibshops
Primary Contact: Emily Wileman
HEROES Program
503 N. Central Expressway
Richardson, TX 75080 map
Phone: 817-925-9434